
Luciana Matalon was born in the Veneto region but moved to Milan where she made her debut in 1968. As a multifaceted artist she dedicated herself to painting, scuplture and the creation of jewellery.

Her artstic studies took place mainly at Milan’s Accademia di Brera and during periods spent in a variety of foreign countries. Since 1966 she has taken part in numerous exhibitions and has organized her own in Europe, America and Japan.

Many european and american critics have shown an interest in her art and the following italian cultural personalities have all written about her: Vincenzo Accame, Martina Corgnati, Giuseppe Curonici, Ferruccio De Bortoli, Floriano De Santi, Amando Ginesi, Ermanno Krumm, Alberico Sala, Roberto Sanesi, Arturo Schwarz, Vittorio Sgarbi, Leo Strozzieri , Miklos N. Varga, Silvio Zanella.

In 2000 the artist set up a self-titled foundation in Milan, where she aspired to create a new museum space to become an international crossroads of new ideas and new artistic orientations. Moreover, since 2006 she has been promoting the Premio Beniamino Matalon per le Arti Visive (Beniamino Matalon Prize for Visual Arts), which has a duration of two years, with the aim of stimulating artists under the age of 35 to produce work that is meaningful and worthy, whilst supporting them in their  path of artistic growth.

Luciana Matalon


Orari di apertura: martedì – sabato, 10 – 13 | 14 – 19 

Foro Buonaparte 67, 20121 Milano
Telefono: +02 878781
Email: [email protected]

Fondazione Luciana Matalon – All Rights Reserved – P.IVA 13165320154
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